The Mother’s Heart
As we transition back to a matriarchal era on Earth, we will witness a global movement that empowers the feminine so that humans can become whole again. The rise of the empowered feminine will make all humans—male, female, or transgender— come together in true equality with each other, rooted in love.
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Transformation with Joy Series

Learn about the transformative power of primordial joy. The workshops in this series draw from the teachings of the book, "A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati." The participants will explore the divine feminine and the divine masculine archetypes with the help of the teachings of Goddess Lakshmi on chakras, soul feelings, law of attraction, soul cycle, and the rise of the empowered feminine. The workshop will use guided meditations, experiential exercises, and group sharing.
As we transition back to a matriarchal era on Earth, we will witness a global movement that empowers the feminine so that humans can become whole again.
~ Goddess Lakshmi

Wisdom and Empowerment Series

Learn about the primordial wisdom of body, soul, and the higher self. The workshops in this series draw from the teachings of the book, "A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati." The participants will learn various practices to dissolve stressful thoughts and negative emotions and awaken to the soul feelings of joy, love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, peace, freedom, and others. The workshop will use guided meditations, experiential exercises, and group sharing processes.
Souls and universes are born from emptiness with an explosion of joy. This is not an ordinary joy; it is a primordial joy made up of emptiness, which manifests all of creation.
~ Goddess Saraswati

Love and Freedom Series

The workshops in this series explore the teachings of Goddess Parvati about love, freedom, boundaries, and surrender in human relationships and teaches a structured breath process channeled through her. This breath process aligns our body posture, opens our chakras, and allows our intellectual/egoic mind to dissolve so that we can glimpse the true nature of our self and awaken to harmony and oneness in our relationships at physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.
As a part of your higher self that desires to experientially know all aspects of its own creation, you have come in millions of ways surrendering in love and devotion to your higher self through each and every aspect of this living universe.
~ Goddess Parvati

Honoring the Body Temple Series

Learn how to honor your body temple with the teachings and channelings of Mary Magdalene, the priestess-wife of Jesus, and "the apostle of the apostles" (as proclaimed by Pope Francis in 2016). This workshop addresses issues such as body form and sexual shame, and explores how to honor the sacred Womb during moon cycles and child-birth. By embodying the womb wisdom of Mary Magdalene, you can awaken to a nurturing, sensual, and spiritual relationship with your body.
“What is hidden from you I will proclaim to you.
~ Mary Magdalene

Miracle of Love Series

Integrate all your divine aspects, remember your divine nature, and unfold the brightness of your heart with the channeled teachings and guided meditations of Mother Mary, the priestess mother of Jesus, and the Goddess of the Immaculate Heart. Together, we will explore her divine energy, learn how to connect with her and how to infuse her qualities in our aura. We will also learn to establish a nourishing relationship with ourselves and maintain a spiritual routine of selfcare. The workshop will teach you how to cleanse the heart center and how to turn negative emotions and mindset into compassion, hope, and divine bliss. Mother Mary is personally calling us to awaken, to remember who we truly are, to recognize our own true nature, value, and then to shine our inner light in that unique role each one of us has in our normal and daily life.
I want you all to start remembering who you truly are.
~ Mother Mary

Stillness and Peace Series

Surrender in stillness to Mother Gaia and hear the sacred conversations of the trees and the gentle whispers of the mountains. The Devi Yoga workshop invites you to unite with Mother Gaia: feel her skies as your vast soul; her rolling fields as your loving heart; her oceans as your sensual body; and her core as your deep roots, as you surrender to yoga poses and invoke the healing portals of Mother Earth.
I am the great drum of Earth. Lay yourself upon me, and you shall hear me for I beat through with the energy of love.
~ Goddess Gaia

Healing and Compassion Series

The Devi Healing workshop is infused in healing that uses the infinite consciousness of one's own being, Earth, universe, and Divine essence. Using body awareness, being consciousness, nature portals, visualizations, and divine activations inspired by the great Bodhisattva, Goddess Kwan Yin, this workshop teaches how to cleanse and heal the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, energetic, and genetic levels of one's mind-body-being-soul-spirit consciousness.
Divinity is the gift of being alive.
~ Goddess Kwan Yin

Prayer and Meditation Series

The Devi Meditation workshop teaches: i) devotional prayers using chants, ii) the Aksha Tapas process (an eye-gazing process) using the divine paintings of Goddesses iii) guided meditations, mantras for health, prosperity and happy love and marriage...and other techniques helpful in our daily life and spiritual evolution. The participants will experience a deep immersion into the bliss of the Higher Self using these processes regularly, and also the enlivening of their higher intuitive faculties.
All higher selves are born from emptiness-bliss like the cascading blooms of infinite consciousness.
~ Goddess Adi Parashakti

Tantra and Enlightenment Series

The Devi Union workshop brings the divine feminine teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism-known as the most advanced, esoteric, secret, and feminist part of Buddhism-into our everyday world. This process will teach the chants, meditations, mandalas, visualizations, and other tantric practices of Goddess Tārā and other female Buddhas.
I have developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born as a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman.
~ Goddess Tārā

The Wings of your Soul Series

Use your body and voice to activate the Isis Codes inside you. Isis is an ancient goddess of love and miracles, and also the lineage holder for many western matriarchal spiritual paths. She is one of the main patron Goddesses of the ancient Egyptian temples and the sacred great pyramids. Meditating in these temples and pyramids opens the channel to many enlightened realms.
"Remember your song, surrender to your dance, and reclaim your gifts."
~ Goddess Isis