Ananda Karunesh is the founder of the Path of Joy, a non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization.
Ananda Karunesh envisions the co-creation of a new matriarchal Earth with a divine partnership between human beings, Mother Earth, and many ascended Goddesses, Gods, and Buddhas.
His first book, “A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati,” was published in 2018. The channeled teachings of Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati in this book have touched the hearts of many from different belief systems, religions and faiths. Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati present the ancient wisdom of Vedanta, mystic Christianity, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Buddhism through a simple, direct, and profound conversation with Ananda Karunesh. The book has been translated in multiple languages and was chosen as the first “bible” for the PSSM organization by its founder, Brahmarshi Patriji in 2019.
In 2019, Ananda Karunesh channeled a breath process called “Devi Kriya” through Goddess Parvati that energizes, cleanses, and harmonizes the chakra system of the human body. More recently, he has helped in the creation of eight Devi (Goddess) workshops, which bring together the healing and transformation work of many highly gifted and experienced women teachers from all over the world.
Ananda Karunesh is also the founder of Devi Circle and Deva Circle. The aim of these women circles and men circles is to allow the participants to heal the wounded feminine and wounded masculine aspects within themselves, and to unify their divine feminine and divine masculine natures by surrendering to the body, soul, and the higher self, using breath, yoga, sutra, mantra, tantra, visualization, and meditation.
He is currently working on his next book, “A Thousand Flowers of Joy” channeled by Goddess Parvati.
Ananda Karunesh (aka Sanjay Nawalkha, Ph.D.) is a professor of finance at Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He served as the Head of the Finance department from September 2011 to August 2018. He believes in “finance of the heart” and teaches a course in Sustainable Finance dealing with climate change, loss of biodiversity, social injustice, economic inequality, food shortage, and other sustainability issues affecting planet Earth.